李家昇INDEXG B&B極短篇 with English translations by Luo Hui

2. 從Kew來遊多倫多的女子


2. Woman visiting Toronto from Kew
She dipped her English Breakfast teabag into a dark blue mug in her hand while keeping her eyes on a plump glass teapot in my hand (I do not know how many have praised that German designer), the one I was using to brew my Oolong from Mount Wuyi. The tea wasn’t particularly rare, but good enough to win over two Japanese friends who had recently visited. I showed her how to use an electric kettle made in Japan, the kind (like Zojirushi or Panasonic) that had been familiar to us since we were young. Do kettles make a cultural difference? This one takes a while to heat up (compared to the “instant boil” in Western designs). It has a 24-hour “keep warm” feature and a few other micro functions.